L2AXIS.COM — πληροφορίες και κριτικές για τον διακομιστή Lineage 2

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High Five
⚔️ Ηγήσου στις Χρονικές των Πέντε! Lineage 2 High Five x15 στο L2Axis: Γίνε ο Ήρωας των Υψηλότερων Πραγματικοτήτων! 🌄🛡️

Βασικές πληροφορίες

Άνοιγμα 31.01.2023
Χρονικά High Five
Τιμές x15

Περιγραφή διακομιστή

🌟 Εισέλθετε στον κόσμο των ατελείωτων δυνατοτήτων! Καλώς ήλθατε στον διακομιστή Lineage 2 High Five με ρυθμούς x15 στο L2Axis. Εδώ, κάθε μάχη είναι ένα βήμα προς τη μεγαλοσύνη, κάθε νίκη είναι μια επίτευξη στην ιστορία σας. Κυριεύστε την τέχνη της τακτικής και στρατηγικής, ενωθείτε με συμμάχους και γίνετε ένας ανεπανάληπτος ήρωας στον κόσμο των υψηλότερων πραγματικοτήτων. Ελάτε μαζί μας στο 🔗 l2axis.com και ξεκινήστε το ταξίδι σας προς τη δόξα και τις επιτυχίες! ⚔️🌄🛡️

l2Idle2020 06.03.2022

Quick Feature List: * Auto Farm feature free for everyone, no time limits, no donate requirements! * Comfortable leveling pace with x15 rates and Vitality buffs. * PvP oriented endgame, including custom PvP zones for all Epics. * Market variety, you have multiple possibilities of purchasing goods with different currency. * Newbie friendly character birth with NPC Willow to aid your journey and custom instances to give you a little boost! Rates: * Experience and Skill Points are x15 higher than retail. * Drop and Spoil rates are x15 higher than retail. * Raid and Epic drops are x3 higher than retail. * Adena drop rates are x10 higer than retail. * Weight Limit is x10 higher than retail. (Premium Characters have +500%) * Knight's Epuallete drop is x3 higher than retail. * Normal and Blessed Enchants have a 70% success rate, safe is +3 and maximum is +16. * Elemental Stones have 50% success rate, Element Crystals have 30% success rate. General Gameplay Information: * Gear up to S-grade(Dynasty included) can be purchased with adena in our community shop(Alt+B). * You will acquire Gold/Silver/Bronze coins throughout playing the game, spend them in the community shop. * Mana potions are available and restore 800MP with a 10 second cooldown. * Offline shops are available, just setup a buy/sell/craft shop and exit the game. * Forgotten Scrolls and Divine Inspiration skill must be learned manually with required items, all other skills are auto learned. * Cloaks can be worn without set restrictions(grade penalty still applies) * Augmentation of Epic jewelry is possible. * Drop/Trade/Sell of augmented items is possible. * Herbs dropped - HP/MP/Vitality. Market/Currency Information: * Adena - Main currency when beginning your adventure on our server. Acquired everywhere. * Ancient Adena - Needed for adding Special Abilities to weapons/unsealing armors and purchasing various items. Acquired in Catacombs/Necropolis'. * Bronze Coin - Found from most 70+ monsters/events/instances/raids/voting. * Silver Coin - Found from most 70+ monsters/events/instances/raids/voting. * Gold Coin - Found from most 70+ monsters/events/instances/raids/voting. * Vote Token - Acquired from voting, use the .vote command. * Newbie Ticket - Acquired from class changes, visit NPC Willow in most towns to get free gear. * Axis Coin - Acquired from Golden Treasure Chests which is delivered to you when donating in support of L2Axis. * Golden Treasure Chest - Contains 100 Axis Coins, delivered upon donating in support of L2Axis. Character Related Information: * 4 maximum clients per HWID. * Characters have 250 Invetory Slots * Characters have 6 slots to buy/sell items. Can be increased with Proof of Catching a Fish. * Death penalty removed completely. * Characters have a 10 second spawn protection when teleporting. * Pre-made macros for some of our custom commands for new characters. Buff Information: * 24(+4 with Divine Inspiration) normal buff slots. 12 dance/song slots. 12 trigger slots. * Buffs from community buffer(Alt+B) are completely free. * 3-hour community buffer(Alt+B) buffs. * 3-hour character buffs(buffs that correspond to community buffer). * 3-hour buff shop buffs(buffs that correspond to community buffer). * Premium characters recieve an additional +2 hours buff duration. * Cancelled buffs return to user after 30 seconds. Quest Information: * 1st and 2nd class professions are free, 3rd class profession costs 5,000,000 adena. * Hellbound quest is not needed. You can enter freely. * Subclass quest is not needed. You can add subs after level 75. * Transformation quest is not needed. * Antharas/Valakas/Frintezza/Baium quest are needed, or you can buy them via community shop. * Freya Extreme quest chain is required. (Reunion with Sirra) * Legendary Tales has a special command to track progress (.7rb). Premium Character: (You now have an option to buy premium with Vote Tokens.) * +30% Experience/Skill points acquisition. * +15% Adena/Drop/Spoil acquisition. * +10% Fame acquisition. * +15% Knight's Epuallette acquisition. * +500% Weight Limit. * Normal Crafting +5%, Masterwork Crafting +3%. * +5% extra Enchant rate. PvP Information: * Olympiad runs on a weekly basis, Heroes are selected every Sunday. * Territory Wars has a 3 ward limit per clan. * All Epics zones are PvP and you are automatically flagged. * Cancelled buffs are returned to the victim after 30 seconds. Custom Epic Bosses: - Zones with custom Epic Bosses are PvP zones. - [Epic - Ancient Evil] Ring of Ancient Evil, Vorpal, Enchants, Elements and more. - [Epic - Ixion] Earring of Ixion, Vorpal Armor Parts, Enchants, Elements and more. - [Epic - Pendragon] Necklace of Pendragon, Vorpal, Enchants, Elements and more. - [Epic - Ramona] Necklace of Ramona, Elegia, Vorpal, Enchants, Elements and more. The only boss in the world besides Freya Extreme that drops Elegia! Custom Instances: - Enter our exclusive instances from Giran, Dungeon Keeper. - Cave of the Queen 3-9 characters to enter. * Boss - Queen's Minion drops A-Grade Armor, A-Grade Weapons. After killing you get full restoration of vitality points and the Bless of Vitality buff. - Venom's Fortress 3-9 chars to enter. * Boss - Venom drops A-Grade Armor, A-Grade Weapons. After killing you get full restoration of vitality points and the Bless of Vitality buff. - Tower of Fate 3-9 chars to enter. * Boss - Ancient Severer drops Moirai Armor, S-Grade Weapons. After killing you get full restoration of vitality points and the Bless of Vitality buff. - Baylors Room 6-9 chars to enter. * Boss - Baylor drops Vesper Armor, S80-Grade Weapons. After killing you get full restoration of vitality points and the Bless of Vitality buff. Events: - Gift of Vitality, visit Steve in any town for a 2 hour vitality maintaining buff! - Border Blitz, 24/7 PvP zone with great drops! - Super Lucky Pig event, 15 hour interval. * Drops from Super Lucky Pig: Donation Coins(Axis Coin), Cloak of Lucky Pig, Earring of Pig, Enchants, Elements, Olf's Enchant Scroll, Hats, Neolithics. - Spirit Raidboss Event - Spirit boss will spawn in a random location on the map every 15 hours. * Drops from Spirit Bosses: Vesper Armor, S80 Weapon, Lifestones, Enchants, Elements and more! - Zombie Apocalypse Event, every day at 20:00 GMT. * Drop from Zombies: Cloak of Zombie, Zombie Hat, Ring of Zombie, A-S Cry Gem, Element Stones, Element Crystals, B-S Enchant Scrolls, Olf's Enchant Scrolls, Vesper Noble Stones and more!

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Ημερομηνία έναρξης
High Five

