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Download the Mists of Pandaria(MoP) client for playing on the WoW 5.4.8 servers with maximum speed from Google Drive or as a torrent file.
Download the Battle For Azeroth client for playing on WoW 8.3.7 servers with maximum speed from Google Drive or as a torrent file.
Download the Cataclysm(Cata) client to play on the wow 4.3.4 servers with maximum speed from Google Drive or torrent file.
Download the Legion client for playing on wow 7.3.5 servers at top speed from Google Drive or as a torrent file.
Download the Wrath of the Lich King(Wotlk) client for playing on the WoW 3.3.5a servers with maximum speed from Google Drive or as a torrent file.
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