Assist the party leader, return to hunting zone centre, target Raid Boss, Discord notifications when your character dies, offline buff scrolls for continuous hunting and more...
Gear Score System, Guaranteed enchantment system, Improved UI and more...
Monastery of Silence, Hellbound, Goldberg Instance, Frintezza Instance, Epic Boss instances for Zaken, Baium, Antharas, and more...
Team vs. Team, Deathmatch, Korean Style daily events, Letter Collector Event, Chocolate Event, Monkey Chef Event, regular giveaways, and more...
Take a step back in time to when we were all young and full of dreams, reliving the original Classic experience as it was in the beginning.
Create your classic hero from the original 6 races and 34 class options, and dive into the nostalgic, hardcore leveling grind where the rewards truly outweigh the risks.
Experience the game the way it was when "hardcore" truly meant something!
Join our ever-growing international community and compete with the biggest clans in the classic/essence scene!