10:34:02 Mar 13
Welcome to our World!
MithrilMu Uppdate to Full Season 20 Part 1-3
Redownload game client from downloads section
Kardamahal TempleAdded Elite mobs, location on Minimap
Kardamahl EliitesDrops Temple items, 10% FO/Anciient chance
Game ClientFixed game crash
Temple ItemsFixed ancient legendary options
Opening of the MithrilMu x500 server - February 21 (17:00 GMT+2)
Start of CBT - February 1 (17:00 GMT+2)
Dear players of our project, we are pleased to inform you about the opening of the MithrilMu x500 server! Season 20 Part 1-3 brings a lot of new features to Mu Onlione! Opening of the new gaming project will be soon!
Best Regards!
What awaits you on MithrilMu x500?
Entertaining gameplay, fun/exciting gameplay is guaranteed!
Difficulity: Medium, regular events to farm jewels and other usefull items
Info Maximums stats: 32700
Info 1 Goblin Point each level
Info Huge Goblin Point Shop, weapons, jewels, wings and more usefull items
Info Classic Xshop and VIP, all items must be crafted/looted/farmed in game
PlayTime Play The Game, make resets and claim rewards for playing
Quests Do quests to earn Jewels and Ruud
Mobs! Spots with 6mobs: All maps, with one HOTSPOT (10mobs) each map
Mobs! Elite Monsters spawns every 1Hour, 25% Chance of Weapon drop, 5% FO Chance
Mobs! Golden Invasion every 3Hours, Kill goldens to earn Wcoins
Blood Castle 25% Chace of AA & 5% Chance for Blessed AA weapon
Devil Square Finish 1-3 Possition to Earn Wcoins
PVP PVP is set to last arround 3-6 seconds
PVE With top set/weapon/wings/accesories all classes can do up to 5mil regular damage
Play To Farm
Reset 400lvl Stats stays
15Wcoins Each reset + Random Jewel in Gremory Case
Grand Reset: 500 Resets, Reward: 50000Wcoins, 2500000 Ruud
Gift code Brown pet +Brown panda ring: /startergift
Gift code Bless Of Light Bound: /letsplay
Where To Earn Wcoins
Reset: Each reset 15 Wcoins
Grand reset: From 500 resets: reward 50'000Wcoins
Finishing Blood Castle
Devil Square rank 1-3
Play Time event(resets required)
Scramble Word Event
Drop Boss Battle Bonus Box
Destructive ogre soldier(White Wizzard Invasion)
Any Gold Monster
Any Elite Monster
Where To Earn RUUD
Quest system, some quests gives 25k RUUD
Maple Leaf Reward
Snake Mini event every 2h, Starting 00.30 Server time
Elite Underground Monsters 5000 Ruud
Grand reset: 2'500'000 RUUD
Random Drop in All maps
Box of Luck Jewels
Silver medal Excellent Items
Gold medal HolyAngel Excellent items
Pumpkin of Luck Jewels
Helth, Mana Potions +11
Bless of Light (Middle Grade)
Extra Drops in Tormenta Island, Twisted Karutan, Kardamahal Underground Temple
Goblin Treasure Box Blue Ancient Items
Mithril Fragment
Mysterious Stone
Artifact Enchantment Stone
Spider Artifact Fragment
Uriel's Feather
Ability Crystal
Wing Core Reinforcement Stone
Elite Monsters: Spawns Every 30Minutes after killed, Items has 10% Full Option Drop Chance
Abyss Atlans 10Wcoins, Jewels
Scorched Canyon 12Wcoins, Jewels
Red Smoke Icarus 15Wcoins, 10% 3rd Wings Chance
Arenil Temple 16Wcoins, Silver Heart Weapons
Ashy Aida 18Wcoins, Silver Heart Weapons
Blaze Kethotum 20Wcoins, Manticore Weapons
Kanturu Undergrounds 25Wcoins, 5000RUUD
Volcano Ignis 25Wcoins, Brilliant Weapons
Bloody Tarkan 30Wcoins, Apocalypse Weapons
Tormenta Island 30Wcoins, Apocalypse Weapons
Twisted Karutan 40Wcoins, Lightning Weapons
Kardamahal Underground Temple Soon