Snowfairy | Elf | 14 |
omtryper | DK | 20 |
Lapsa | ME | 194 |
Helios | DW | 154 |
Eros | DW | 152 |
Mpempis | DW | 56 |
Foivi | Elf | 56 |
Death | BK | 190 |
Astrea | ME | 155 |
Pontios | DK | 58 |
Let's make MU great again!
Weekend Quest
2025-03-07 17:44:54

Greetings, citizens of MU!
The Weekend Quest has begun! Step into the heart of battle and prove your resilience! Emerge victorious from one of MU’s great trials — Blood Castle, Devil Square, or Chaos Castle. Complete any of these challenges twice and claim your reward.
Have a great weekend!
Support us with your vote
2025-03-01 01:57:51
Weekend Quest
2025-02-28 15:07:01

Greetings, citizens of MU!
The Weekend Quest has begun! A new challenge awaits you this weekend. Defeat monsters, test your luck, and claim your reward.
Have a great weekend!
Goblin Points
2025-02-24 19:19:35
Greetings, citizens of MU!
You can earn Goblin Points for the following activities:
Demi-bosses: 2/3/4/5
Goldens: 3/4/5/6/7
BC: 5/6/7/8/9/10/11
DS: 3/3/3/3/3/3
CC: 4/5/6/7/8/9
LMS: 10
WW: 3
Dragon: 2
Rabbit: 1
Online for every hour: 3
Updates [22.02.2025]
2025-02-22 22:26:00
Greetings, citizens of MU!
Some changes have been made to the game:
- Increased rewards (ZEN) for DS.
- Increased Stars of Sacred Birth drop rate in DS, BC, and Kalima.
- Reverted to the old ZEN drop system.
- Hearts of Love will be removed from drops on Monday.
- Changed the invasion schedule for White Wizards and Dragons.
- Added LMS [Test Mode] to the schedule. The event takes place at 08:00 and 20:00.
And here's a little secret we want to share with you: every map has one Secret Spawn that is not marked on the minimap. This spawn has one parameter similar to other spawn and one that is completely unique. This is all — now it’s up to you to discover the rest!
In-Game Quests & Other Updates
2025-02-21 02:03:50
Greetings, citizens of MU!
Some changes have been made to the game. We recommend updating your game client for a smooth experience:
Link One
Link Two
#1: In-Game Quests
Quests are now available in the game. You can accept them from the Shadow Phantom Soldier.
#2: First Wings
The level requirement for the first wings has been reduced to 150.
#3: Invitations
Invitations are now considered valuable items – they cannot be sold to the shop without confirmation.
#4: Two-handed Weapons
CDA and Dark Breaker (and maybe others) are now two-handed weapons, as they should be.
#5: Quests on the Website
Quests requiring transformation rings and Ashcrow, Eclipse, and Iris set items will soon be available on the website.
#6: Gate Issue
The gate between Devias and Lost Tower has been fixed.
Money Gladiator
2025-02-17 21:59:54
Greetings, citizens of MU!
If you don’t want to level up to unlock MG, you can skip the process and unlock it instantly with WCoins.
The price of this service is 350 WCoins.
To use this service, message Theo in-game or on Discord.
Upcoming Tasks:
Bringing back in-game quests! Stay tuned for updates.
Support us with your vote
2025-02-14 15:09:39
Valentine’s Day
2025-02-12 17:02:36
Greetings, citizens of MU!
May your journey be filled with victories, your treasures with riches, and your hearts with warmth! Whether you fight alone or alongside allies, let the spirit of MU bring you together.
Search defeated monsters carefully...
There’s a small chance to find a Heart of Love!
Happy Valentine’s Day! Love and be loved.
Exploring MU Continent
2025-02-09 18:06:53
{"currency":"Currency","price":"Price","":"Total zen","user.rating":"Rating","wcoins":"wCoins","reset-points":"Reset Points","seller":"Seller","Character":"Character","Logout":"Logout","main panel":"main panel","settings":"settings","news editor":"news editor","money":"money","item manager":"item manager","account manager":"account manager","char manager":"char manager","buff effect manager":"buff effect manager","admins manager":"admins manager","quests":"quests","stats":"stats","connections":"connections","char rename":"char rename","manage char items":"manage char items","accounts":"accounts","send email":"send email","reset tasks":"reset tasks","rules editor":"rules editor","fixing serials":"fixing serials","admin":"admin","":"News","menu.warehouse":"Warehouse","":"Storage","menu.change-password":"Change password","zen":"Zen","menu.donate":"Donate","menu.referrals":"Referrals","vip":"Vip","menu.account":"Account","menu.items":"Items","menu.reset":"Reset","menu.stats":"Stats","menu.quests":"Quests","menu.guild":"Guild","menu.sell":"Sell","menu.prepare-char":"Prepare char","menu.wings-exchange":"Wings exchange","menu.teleport":"Teleport","":"Pk clear","menu.character":"Character","menu.quests-all":"All quests","menu.quests-for-you":"Quests for you","":"Monster kills","menu.crafting":"Crafting","":"Item market","":"Char market","":"Money exchange","":"Market","":"Characters top","":"Character top for all time","":"Guilds top","":"Referrals top","menu.hall-of-fame":"Hall of fame","menu.tops":"Tops","":"Events schedule","menu.rules":"Rules","menu.items-drop":"Items drop","":"Info","menu.downloads":"Downloads","logout":"Logout","header.cookies-notice":"We use cookies to store site settings like selected language, character and others","button.ok":"OK","character":"Character","reset":"Reset","level":"Level","login-form.login":"login","login-form.password":"password","login-form.sign-in":"Sign in","login-form.registration":"Registration","login-form.forgot-password":"Forgot password","short-online.caption":"Last %d players in game","short-online.column.char":"Char name","store.caption.inventory":"Inventory","":"Store","total-online":"Total online","server-time":"Server time","season-2-upgraded":"Season 2 Upgraded","vote-for-us.char-name":"Char name for reward","vote-for-us.description":"Nickname is used for rewards","market.filters.category":"Select item category","market.filters.index":"Select item","market.filters.item-name":"Search by item name","market.filters.mine":"Mine","market.filters.button":"Filter","market.filters.any-level":"any","":"Nothing is for sale for current request","":"Date of sale","market.confirmation":"Are you sure you want to buy item for %s zen?","something-wrong":"Something wrong, please contact administrator","":"Market price stats","":"Minimal price","":"Maximal price","":"Median price","count":"Count","":"Tax","":"per selling one item","item.move":"Move","":"All","":"Free stats","alert.success":"Action successfully done!","char.stats.amount-warning":"Attention! Because of bug the amount of free stats in the game is incorrect (only %d). Please, use form above to distribute your stats. It's free.","save":"Save","char.stats-reset.description":"Note: all worn items will be moved to char inventory, warehouse or storage. It depends on free space in each place. But you could undress your char in the game before resetting stats.","char.stats.reset":"Reset stats","quests.available":"Available quests","quest":"Quest","quests.finished":"Finished quests","quests.finish-date":"Finish date","quests.cancelled":"Cancelled quests","quests.cancel-date":"Cancel date","quests.field.caption":"Caption","quests.field.reset-max":"Max reset","quests.field.limit-per-char":"Limit per char","":"Total winners limit","":"End date","":"free","":"Show","Chars top":"Chars top","Char info":"Char info","quests.field.reset-min":"Min reset","quests.field.prizes":"Prizes","quests.field.stats":"Stats","":"The exchange provides the opportunity to exchange zen or wCoins with other players: you can place any amount of your zen or wCoins for sale by specifying price in another currency. The amount of money you sell will be posted on the exchange, and you can return it back at any time if no one buys.","":"You get","":"You pay","date":"Date","":"You have to log in or exit game to see all functionality","":"Buy wCoins","":"Buy zen","":"Sold","":"Billing date","":"Purchase date","":"wCoins history","":"Zen history","":"Sell wCoins","":"Zen amount you want to get","":"Rate","":"Service fee","":"Take","":"Buy","":"Sell zen","":"Total amount of your zen","":"Zen amount you give","":"wCoins amount you want to get","":"Place zen","":"wCoins amount you give","":"Place wCoins","":"Total amount of your wCoins","":"","store.caption.warehouse":"Warehouse","store.caption.warehouse2":"Warehouse 2","store.caption.warehouse3":"Warehouse 3","store.caption.warehouse4":"Warehouse 4","warehouses.additional.caption":"Additional warehouses","warehouses.first-open":"Please open your warehouse in game before using it here.","password.old":"Old password","":"New password","":"New password again","":"Password recovery","recovery.description":"If you forgot your password you can recover it here. Enter your account or email address and system will send to attached to account email address verification link. After clicking on it you will be able to set new password. If you need some help please contact administrators.","":"Email or account","recovery.button":"Send verification link","zen-management.description":"There are limits for storing zen, so provides possibility to store zen on the web without limits. Also all money (zen) that you receive from website operations (market, exchange, rewards etc) come to web storage. Here you can transfer your money inside your account and to see the history of zen transactions.","amount":"Amount","zen-management.history":"Zen transactions history","zen-from.button":"Transfer","zen-management.caption":"Zen management","wcoins-page.description":"wCoins is in-game currency that you can get here for donations to","wcoins-page.description-money-exchange":"Also you can exchange zen to wCoins or wCoins to zen on the %s. It's not instant conversion, you sell your wCoins for zen and someone should buy them.","":"exchange","wcoins-page.history":"wCoins transactions history","wcoins-form.amount-to-donate":"Amount of %s to donate","wcoins-form.wcoins-you-get":"Amount of wCoins you will get","referrals.description":"You can invite your friends to play in with you and get reward. Here you can find your referral link and see all your referrals with minor info about their game progress. If you have questions feel free to contact administration ;)","referrals.your-link":"Your referral link","referrals.your":"Invited by you players","":"Char name","registration-date":"Registration date","char-items.title":"%s's items","char-items.description":"%s's items management","guild.caption":"Guild of char","guild.not-participant":"Your char doesn't participate in any guild","":"Your char is owner of the guild","":"Your char is participant of the build","guild.score":"Guild score","guild.disabled-description":"You have to enable guild feature on the website, after that you will be able to join or create guild in the game. It's free, just click the button below.","guild.button.enable":"Enable guild feature for current character","wings-exchange.description":"If you have wings for characters that are disabled in the then you can exchange them here to wings by your choice with the same options","":"You don't have wings that could be exchanged here.","wings-exchange.from":"You give","":"You receive","wings-exchange.button":"Exchange wings","teleport.caption":"teleport","teleport.description":"There are situations when char could be stuck between locations while teleporting. In this case you can teleport your character to Lorencia. If it won't help, please contact administration.","teleport.button":"Teleport character","pk-clear.caption":"Clear pk status","pk-clear.price-per-one":"Price per one kill","pk-clear.kills-count":"Kills count","pk-clear.button":"PK clear","crafting.description":"Crafting allows to create one excellent item with 2 options from items with 1 option. For successful crafting you need to have Reset Points.","crafting.need-login":"This feature is available only for logged in users.","":"You don't crafting any item.","crafting.start":"Start crafting","crafting.choose":"Choose an item for new crafting","crafting.form.description":"Choose an item which you want to craft, options and level for it. After starting crafting you will need to find %d items with one option, %d items with second option and %d with any option.","crafting.form.example":"For example if you want to craft Knight Blade +rate+dd+10 then you will need to find %d KB+rate+10, %d KB+dd+10, %d KB+10+any option and %d Reset Points","":"Active (not completed) craftings","crafting.progress":"Progress","":"Open","crafting.remaining":"Remaining items count to find","":"You don't have any items that match the task.","":"Search the market for this task","crafting.tasks":"Tasks","crafting.tasks.description":"You need to find provided below items for crafting item above. If there are some in you warehouse, storage or char inventory then system will show them and you will can to choose which to use for task. One item could be used only once for one task.","crafting.have-items":"You have items that match the task. You can choose which to use.","":"Search","char-top.find":"Find","char.grand":"Grand","char.resets":"Resets","guild":"Guild","char.guild":"Guild","char.rating":"Rating","char-top.caption":"Chars top","":"Guild name","guild.master":"Guild master","guild.count":"Players count","guild-top.caption":"Guilds top","guild-info.caption":"Guild info","guild.members":"Members","guild.char.status":"Status","guild.status.master":"Guild Master","guild.status.assistant":"Assistant","guild.status.battle":"Battle Master","guild.status.member":"Member","hof.current-week":"Hall of fame for current week","hof.current":"current","hof.golden-kill-top":"Golden monsters kills top","hof.possible-reward":"Possible reward","hof.different-kills-davias":"Top by different chars kills in the devias","sellers-by-buyers":"Top Sellers by Unique Buyers in the Web Market","hof.bc-top":"Blood Castle top","":"Chaos Castle top","hof.ds-top":"Devil Square top","hof.ww-top":"White Wizards kills top","hof.rd-top":"Red Dragons kills top","hof.previous-week":"Hall of fame for previous week","hof.reward":"Reward","":"no records in the database","hof.description":"Every Sunday at 23:59 all the leaders in tops below automatically receive rewards","create-first-char-message":"You have to create your first character in the game, after that will be available website features","download-client":"Client downloads page","guild-info.choose":"You have to choose guild","vote-for-us":"Vote for us","progress-before-wipe.caption":"Bonus for playing","progress-before-wipe.description":"Your playing progress before wipe is saved and you will get reward for it soon ;)","progress-before-wipe.summary":"You have %d hours of %s VIP for your progress in 2019-2023 years. You can activate it at any time.","progress-before-wipe.activate":"Activate","progress-before-wipe.wcoins":"And 10%% (= %d wCoins) of your previous donations already credited to your account.","":"No similar items in the market","store.caption.second_inventory":"Second inventory","store.caption.third_inventory":"Third inventory","chars-top.recent.caption":"Recent characters top","char-top.recent.caption.detailed":"Characters top in last %d days","resets":"Resets","char.class":"Class","last-login-date":"Last login date","kills":"Kills","killer":"Killer","victim":"Victim","pvp.ratio":"PvP ratio (victim stats / killer stats)","reset.not-completed-tasks.items":"Not completed all items tasks","":"Not completed all events tasks","reset.successful":"Congratulations! Reset is completed!","reset.some-error":"Some error while doing reset. Please contact administration.","":"Not all tasks completed","provide_char":"Provide char","char-reset.description":"You have to complete tasks below to reset your character. For item tasks place needed items in your warehouse, storage or current character inventory. After completing all tasks there will be available button for char reset.","game-event":"Game event","char-reset.find-item":"Find item","char-reset.complete-task":"Complete the task","account":"Account","available":"Available","reset.task":"Task","reset.task.type":"Task type","":"Search the market for this item","reset.remaining":"remaining count","":"There are no suitable items for this task in your inventory, warehouse or storage","reset.summary":"(Current resets count: %d)","reset.summary-with-grands":"(Current resets count: %d, grands count: %d)","reset.regenerate":"Regenerate task for %d %s","reset.delete":"Delete task for %s %s","":"Delete remaining events for %s %s","reset.none":"none","event.caption.bc_rewarded":"Participate in Blood Castle","event.caption.bc_completed":"Finish Blood Castle","event.caption.bc_door_terminated":"Destroy door in Blood Castle","event.caption.bc_statue_destroyed":"Destroy statue in Blood Castle","event.caption.ds":"Devil Square","":"Chaos Castle","event.caption.any":"Any event (BC or CC or DS)","event.caption.or-higher":"or higher","":"Forum","recovery.form-caption":"Enter please a new password for your account","quests.stats.finished":"Finished","quests.stats.cancelled":"Cancelled","quests.stats.current":"Current","caption":"Caption","start-date":"Start date","quests.completed-tasks":"Completed tasks","":"Quests in progress","":"Show progress","quest.progress.caption":"Caption","quest-is-cancelled":"Quest is cancelled or finished - you can just look your progress","quest.remaining":"remaining","quest.cancel":"Cancel this quest","remaining":"remaining","quest.cancel-date":"Cancel date","quest.finish-date":"Finish date","quest.prizes":"Prizes","quest.prizes.items":"","":"","quest.start-date":"Start date","":"Show progress","quest.already_started":"quest.already_started","quest.history":"Your history for this quest","":"in progress","":"'%s' quest info","quest.start-button":"Start this quest","quest.item-random":"1 random item from","quest.item-for-choice":"To choose 1 of these items","quest.task.find-random-items":"Find random items from the list. Count: %d","quest.task.find-items":"Find the item. Count: %d","quest.task.kill-monster":"Kill the monster %d times","quest.task.complete-events":"Finish game event. Minimum count: %d","quest.task.find-exl-items":"Find excellent item. Count: %d","quest.task.find-anc-items":"Find ancient item. Count: %d","quest.task.will-be-generated":"Will be generated after starting the quest","":"(possible events: Blood Castle, Chaos Castle, Devil Square)","quest.task.any-exl-item":"Any excellent item with any options","quest.task.any-anc-item":"Any ancient item","quest.tasks":"Quest tasks","quest.task-description":"Task description","quest.price":"Quest price","quest.price.amount.needed":"Needed amount","quest.price.amount.available":"Available amount","":"This quest has limit of winners. Current limit: %d","":"It means that when %d players will finish the quest your started quest or quests will be cancelled and your quest fee won't be returned","quest.limits-per-char":"Limit for starting this quest by one char is %d, your total starts: %d","item.drop-stats.monsters":"Item %s has already dropped from these monsters","forum settings":"Forum settings","username":"Forum username","password":"Forum password","password_again":"Password again","check_name":"Check if username is available","register":"Register new forum account","forum.account":"Forum account","user.friends-online.caption":"Friends online","user.friends-online.char":"Name","user.friends-online.resets":"Resets","user.friends-online.level":"Level","user.friends-online.server":"Server","":"Buy","market.item.take":"Take","menu.all-time-storage":"All time storage","all-time-storage.description":"Here you can see items that you chosen before to save them after wipe.
To fill a slot you need to 'move' item into 'All time storage', but item won't be moved from its current location, only will be marked for saving after wipe.
If you sell/trade or lose the item then the slot for it in the all time storage (here) will be freed.
","all-time-storage.get-more-slots":"To get more slots you need to make more resets.","all-time-storage.slots-count":"Total slots count for your account: %d","all-time-storage.available-slots-count":"Available (free) slots count: %d","all-time-storage.remove":"Remove from all time storage","menu.epochs":"Epochs","menu.about":"About","epochs info editor":"epochs info editor","all time storage":"all time storage","about editor":"about editor","downloads":"Downloads","download-links":"Download links","renaissance-short-info":"renaissance-short-info","alert.error":"alert.error"}