FEB 28 at 20:00 GMT+3!
• Server Description:
   - Server: Interlude PvP x1200.
   - ❤️ Auto-reward for capturing the Aden Castle 70 Coins of Luck!
   - ❤️ Epic jewelry for Apiga!
   - ❤️ Epic jewelry 48 hours for Event Medals!
   - ❤️ Costume Quest! The quest is available from the Costumes Monk in any city!
   - Sieges every week! Registration closes 2 hours before the start of the siege!
   - Auto-reward for capturing castles: Goddard, Gludio and Giran 25 Apiga, 1 Red Box!
   - Turn on/off the ACP with the .acp command or Ctrl+click on the potion on the panel.
   - Apella sets have stats like: DK robe, Drak and Tallum heavy.
   - Skills "Nobless", "Block Buff", "Exchanger" at the birth of a character.
   - Maximum enchant 20\16\16. Safe +4.
   - Automatic restart of the server at 8:00 am Moscow time.
   - Trade of weapons with LS, Auction.
   - Buffer: 52 buff slots, buff time 3 hours.
   - Ability to buff premium buffs for "Festival Adena".
   - Chance to catch a skill from Mid, High, Top-LS: 3%, 4%, 10%.
   - The respawn time of regular RBs is 4 hours.
   - Ordinary RBs have a small PvP zone around them.
   - Bets and rent of clan halls are paid in Gold Bars.
   - The maximum number of sub-classes is 8, a quest for a sub-class is not needed.
   - Maximum number of clans in an alliance: 1.
   - Maximum number of people in a clan: 18.
   - Flames of Invincibility is canceled when using skills/auto attacks.

• CRP system (clan reputation points):
   + 100 for capturing the Castle.
   + 100 for killing Valakas.
   + 100 for killing Antharas.
   + 100 for killing Baium.
   + 75 for killing Frintezza.
   + 75 for killing Zaken.
   + 50 for killing Ant Queen.
   + 30 for killing Core.
   + 30 for killing Orfen.
   + 10 for gaining Hero.
   + 10 for killing Event-RB 73+.
   + 1 for killing RB 73+.
   + 1 for PvP (rarely awarded).
   Award for prizes (every Monday):
    The cash reward is only awarded during the first week of the event.
     1. 150$ + 100 Coin of Luck
     2. 100$ + 80 Coin of Luck
     3. 50$ + 60 Coin of Luck

• Where and what to farm:
   - in Hot Springs from "Farm"-mobs drop:
      a lot of adena (100%),
      Festival Adena (8%),
      Mid-LS 76 (1 шт. 1%),
      L2Day (4%),
      books Monk's Scripture (5%), for the quest for costumes and agathions.    - from Champion additional drop:
      High-LS 76 (1 pcs. 10%),
      Blue Box (1 pcs. 10%).    - in MoS(Library) from Angels drop:
      Top-LS 76 (1 pcs. 30%),
      CP Potions (15 pcs. 100%),
      Festival Adena (up 2х pcs. 40%),
      Clan eggs (3%).    - from RB 73+ drop:
      Top-LS 76 (up to 2 pcs., 50%),
      Festival Adena (up to 10 pcs. 90%),
      Clan eggs (3%),
      Apiga (1 pcs. 100%).

• Contents of Boxes:
   - Blue Box:
      Apiga (1 pcs. 16%),
      High-LS 76 (1 pcs. 16%),
      CP Potions (50 pcs. 16%),
      BSOE (5 pcs. 16%),
      Gold Bar (2 pcs. 16%),
      Quick HP (10 pcs. 20%).    - Yellow Box:
      Top-LS 76 (1 pcs. 20%),
      High-LS 76 (1 pcs. 30%),
      Gold Bar (1 pcs. chance ~ 49.7%),
      Epic jewelry (1 pcs. chance ~ 0.3%).    - Red Box:
      Suit (1 pcs. 100%).

• Premium:
   - Exp/Sp multiplier: x2.0.
   - Adena drop multiplier: x1.5.
   - Chance of dropping Festival Adena from "Farm"-mobs: 15%.
   - Chance of dropping Mid-LS 76 from "Farm"-mobs: 2%.
   - Chance of dropping Letters(L2Day) from "Farm"-mobs: 7%.
   - Drop rate of Top-LS 76 from Angel: 50%.
   - Drop rate of Top-LS 76 from RB 73+: 70%.
   - Ability to buff premium buffs in the buffer and save them to the profile.

• Automatic events:
   - Team vs Team (2, 200, 2, 5, 10, 3).
   - Base Capture (2, 200, 2, 5, 10, 3).
   - DeathMatch (6, 200, 2, 5, 10, 3).

• Obtaining Nobless:
   - Respawn Noble RB (Flame of Splendor Barakiel, 80lvl) every 4 hours.
   - To get it, you need to be on a sub-class of at least level 75, kill a noble RB
        or be nearby, in the finishing party.
   - It is also possible to buy quest items for FA and complete the quest without killing RB.

• Olympiad:
   - Issuance of heroism every week on Monday at 00:10 GMT+3.
   - Registration from 1 computer.
   - To start the battle, you need 3 people in extra classes.
   - Cooldown of active nukes (LS) 3 seconds.
   - Maximum sharpening on Olympiad +7. Items enchanted above are like +7.
   - Reward for the winner of the battle: 20 CP, 1 FA.
   - Heroic Reward: 1 Coin of Luck, 150 FA.

• Respawn epic RB:
   - Ant Queen (75lvl) - 1 day, at 20h + (0-59 min.) (50%).
   - Core - 2 days, at 18h +(0-59 min.) (50%).
   - Orfen - 2 days, at 19h +(0-59 min.) (50%).
   - Zaken (75lvl) - 2 days, gates open at 21:30 for 5 min. by MSC.
   - Frintezza - 2 days, at 21h + (0-59 min.).
   - Baium - 5 days, at 22 o'clock + (0-59 min.).
   - Antharas - 6 days, at 22h + (0-59 min.).
   - Valakas - 7 days, at 22h + (0-59 min.).