New Race
Brings freshness to the world of Aden, expanding player opportunities and adding exciting new content and mechanics.
All players will gain access to the new race of high elves - the Elemental Lord and Divine Templar, endowed with unique abilities and talents. Master their powerful skills and dive into battles with new forces.
Elemental Weaver
The Elemental Lord is a mage of the High Elves who wields fiery, frosty, natural, and light magic. This class can only use two-handed magical blunt weapons, which transform in appearance to the Sphere of Spirit when equipped, utilizing different types of magic. The Elemental Lord can only equip sigil.

Divine Templar
A warrior who wields the powerful force of light and possesses the characteristics of both Warrior and Knight classes. The armor cannot be removed, as it needs to be maintained to control the power of light. The appearance remains unchanged even when using transformation effects.

Class Changes for Eva’s Templar and Shillien’s Templar
These classes have received new hunting abilities and significantly improved their unique roles.
Eva’s Templar has abilities with charging and shock effects, the capability to absorb damage for allies and increase their vitality, and also the ability to massively pull in enemies and attack them in an area.

Skills of Eva’s Templar and Shillien’s Templar
Eva’s Templar is a warrior who performs feats in honor of the goddess Eva. This class has mastered the skillful manipulation of water power, directing it either to protect allies or to destroy enemies.

Rapid Current Armor
Fortify yourself by drawing upon the power of water, and protect yourself with strong currents. Increases the Power of Critical Attack for physical skills and also provides protection from damage from skills that strike twice or more.
Spinning Water Charge
Rapidly approaches the enemy with full force using a shield. Attacks and has a chance to stun the target and surrounding enemies.
Treacherous Wave
Creates a massive whirlpool that attacks and pulls in the target and surrounding enemies.
Shelter: Master
Creates a water shield to protect the caster. Absorbs damage dealt to allies.
Eva's Hurricane
Detonates water to attack the target and surrounding enemies.

Dark Charge
Rapidly approaches the enemy with dark energy. Attacks and has a chance to paralyze the target and surrounding enemies.
Condemnation: Master
Rapidly approaches the target with the energy of lightning. Attacks the target and surrounding enemies three times.
The Defender of the Abyss appears near the target and attacks with powerful lightning, causing paralysis and apocalyptic effects.
Shilien's Hurricane
Summons a rain of powerful lightning with devastating force. Attacks and paralyzes the target and surrounding enemies twice.
Shillien's Curse
Delivers a strong blow and inflicts a curse on surrounding enemies with the power of Shillien's soul.
Shillien's Templar is a warrior clad in heavy armor, performing feats in glory of his Goddess.
This somber knight has mastered the combination of defensive skills and aggressive attacks that can paralyze enemies.
Elemental Weaver
The Elemental Lord is a mage of the High Elves who wields fiery, frosty, natural, and light magic. This class can only use two-handed magical blunt weapons, which transform in appearance to the Sphere of Spirit when equipped, utilizing different types of magic. The Elemental Lord can only equip sigil.

Talent for Magic
Possesses a natural gift for magic, allowing him to apply magical abilities more skillfully.
Circular Blast
Combines Fire and Ice magic to create a devastating explosion that encompasses the entire area.
Grows a plant on the targeted enemy that attacks and weakens it.
Claidheamh Soluis
Summons a sword of light that delivers a double magical strike of light to nearby targets.
Inflicts a triple strike on enemies with light magic that embodies the power of creation. Activates the Light Influence, significantly enhancing the character's attributes.
Divine Templar
A warrior who wields the powerful force of light and possesses the characteristics of both Warrior and Knight classes.
The armor cannot be removed, as it needs to be maintained to control the power of light. The appearance remains unchanged even when using transformation effects.

Divine Light
Allows the accumulation of light points and give opportunity to summon the Divine Guardian.
When the High Elf unleashes their immense potential, their attributes rapidly increase, enhancing numerous abilities.
Ability of Light
Enhances your attributes when you engage in prolonged combat with enemies using the power of light.
Divine Guardian
Summons the Divine Guardian, who possesses skills similar to those of the Divine Templar.
Holy Circle
Creates a field of light that attacks surrounding enemies, heals nearby allies, and reduces incoming damage.

Samurai Path
Guaranteed Modification
Special Purge System
Gearscore Rating
Territorial Wars
Clan System
Synergy System
Castle Sieges
Seven Seals
Legal Trading RMT
One client window on one PC
Game files
To play on our servers, you need to download and install the client and patch files.
Game client
Clean game client. It is necessary to use the updater.
File Updater
To update the client, put it in the game folder and run it.
Server patch
Download and unzip to the game folder with file replacement.