


server icon
Lost World x5
Login Server: Online
Game Server: Online

Important Tips

Less that 2 hours left till Server Start, you all welcome now to create the game  accounts and DON'T forget always run a game trough the game launcher, to avoid the issues. Our game launcher ...

January 31, 2025, 2:48 PM

2025 Grand Opening!

Hello Dear Players we wish to announce that Grand Opening will be on the 31st of January 17:00 +2 GMT! This season will be a bit different,  it means that there will be only 2 windows allowed per 1 PC,...

January 15, 2025, 9:33 AM

End of 2024

Hello, dear players, we wish to inform you about the 2024 season end. The server will go down on the 3rd of December for maintenance and preparation for the new season. The new season date will be announced...

December 1, 2024, 6:30 PM

Maintenance Work Incoming

Hello Players! We wish to inform you that tomorrow, June 24th, around 11 a.m., the server will be down for 1 hour max due to maintenance work.

June 23, 2024, 3:40 PM

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Account Registration Required

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Download Client & System

To ensure a seamless experience, please use a new, unmodified client before applying the patch.

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To enter the game, you need to create a game account. Create an account using our registration panel.

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Lost World Updater

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General Info

Lost World Interlude Project is a Craft - PvP type LONG living server.


  • Allowed 2 opened clients per PC.
  • No custom GM shop for B/A/S exist.
  • We have a custom Premium shop that allows players to buy epic quest items @ Giran Castle Town (Portal Stone, Floating Stone, Noble Quest Item, etc).
  • On this server with our relatively low rates, players must farm to create batches of gear which they will then enchant to the desired level. This is the craft aspect of the game.
  • The PvP aspect of the game refers to multiple measures that force players to PvP for certain gains. Examples are like Grand Boss Combat Zones and the players will flag whenever they will hit a simple raid boss.
  • All raid bosses from 59+ level have been boosted. Stats have been increased drastically. Killing bosses means bringing the right classes and enough people.
  • You will also need to bring escorts to protect you against enemy players. Attacking any boss will make you flag so enemy players can easily sabotage your raid. Raid bosses and epic bosses also drop the Silver/Gold currency.
  • Relevant areas around epic bosses are turned into combat zones. In this area, killing other players is without consequence. Additionally, killing a player outside of the zone while the killer is standing in the zone, will not lead to karma or PK points.
  • Clans features are made like in official servers. Multiple quests need to be done and reputation must be farmed at some point. For clan reputation, raidbosses can be killed. They instantly offer clan reputation to the party dealing the final hit. Beware though, attacking any raid boss will make you flag. The Castles owners will be able use global gatekeeper function.
  • Basic Info

    Info Rate Info Rate
    Icon 1 Experience x5 Icon 1 Skill Points x5
    Icon 1 Spoil x6 Icon 1 Adena x5
    Icon 1 Drop x6 Icon 1 Quest Reward x2
    Icon 1 Quest Drop x3 Icon 1 Manor Reward x2
    Icon 1 Seal Stones x5 Icon 1 Dimension Fragments x3
    Icon 1 Ancient Scrolls x3 Icon 1 Raidboss Drop x3
    Icon 1 Epic Raidboss Drop x2 Icon 1 Standard Raidboss Time 12h + 24h
    Armor Enchant Armor Enchant
    Icon 1 Safe Enchant +3 Icon 1 Max Enchant A / S Grade +10
    Icon 1 D,C & B Armor Enchant Rate Increased Icon 1 Max Enchant D / C / B +12
    Weapon Enchant Scrolls Rate
    Icon 1 Safe Enchant +3 Icon 1 Normal Scrolls 60%
    Icon 1 Max Enchant +17 Icon 1 Blessed Scrolls 70%

    Lost World - Olympiad

    Prepare yourself for the most exhilarating battle of skill and strategy. The Olympiad is where heroes rise and legends are forged.

    Info Time Info Class
    Icon 1 Schedule 18:00 - 01:00 GMT+0 Icon 1 Participation 6 non Class
    Icon 1 Validation 2 Weeks Icon 1 Participation 5 Base Class

    There is no restriction in IP while registering for olympiad matches.

    Epic Bosses

    Test your mettle against the best, showcase your prowess, and fight for supremacy. Only the strongest, most cunning, and most determined will prevail.

    Name Respawn Name Respawn
    Icon 1 Valakas 11d + 8h Icon 1 Frintezza 48h + 2h
    Icon 1 Queen Ant 24h + 6h Icon 1 Core 30h + 6h
    Icon 1 Orfen 30h + 6h Icon 1 Zaken 40h + 8h
    Icon 1 Baium 5d + 8h Icon 1 Antharas 8d + 8h

    Other Useful Information

    Name How To
    Icon 1 1st Class Occupation 100k Adena - Quest
    Icon 1 2nd Class Occupation 2kk Adena - Quest
    Icon 1 3rd Class Occupation 50kk Adena - Quest - Donate
    Icon 1 Subclass Quest - Donate
    Icon 1 Noblesse Blessing Quest Quest - Donate
    Icon 1 Buff Duration Time 1 Hour
    Icon 1 Buff Slots ( +4 with Divine Insiration Book ) 22 + 4

  • Auto Skills: No learning required, except Divine Inspiration will need still books for this skill!
  • RB's from lv 20 till lv 58 will supply brave fighters with some good quality Silver and RB's from 59+ with some GOOD Gold! There's rare items, you will be able to trade for some really vicked STUFF!
  • Augmentation: Double click on the Life-Stone and the augmentation will be automatically applied.
  • Hard working clans who will own's A LOT of clan points will be able upgrade them apella's with NPC name Dalton, which also will provide more service for LW Coins!
  • We add some Achievement NPC's, It will motivate even the laziest players to move them asses!
  • Our favorites NPC's Donald and Goldman, who located at Giran Castle Town will push even the bravest fighters to the limit, for seeking the power and total annihilation for all their enemies!
  • If you sick delevel yourself for AQ , Core or any other RB, Martin @ Giran Castle Town for some Adena will help you !
  • Top 40 Raiders

    Epic Boss Status

    Raid Boss Status

    menu iconCommunity Rulesmenu icon

    Take a moment to familiarize yourself with our community guidelines.

    Rule Icon 1 1. Always treat all Administrators, Game Masters and members of management with respect. Any act of disrespect to the administration, regardless of the medium, result in punishment.
    Rule Icon 2 2. It is forbidden to impersonate (pretend to be) any member of the administration.
    Rule Icon 3 3. Advertising, comments or suggestions of any other Lineage server is prohibited in any game chat or other media connected to us.
    Rule Icon 4 4. It is forbidden to use programs that interact with the Lineage 2, exploits or take advantage of any problems found in the game, in the forum or website that will benefit you in relation to other players. If a player finds a bug (problem/fault) in the game, forum or site shall immediately inform the administration for own safety and reward if it will be real deal.
    Rule Icon 5 5. Your account is not transferable, it means that you are responsible for your own safety in the game. Never give your password to anyone else, including the administration. Make sure that the computer used to play it safe. Never run extra interactivity programs with your Lineage 2, which was not provided by management, as they may contain viruses and >key'''lo''ger's< that will result in the theft of your user accounts and / or items. The administration is not responsible for any theft, dropped or destroyed items. The administration ensures complete integrity and server security and therefore are not possible invasions hacks to steal items or accounts directly on the server, site or forum, in other words, any type of theft are caused by carelessness or misuse of users. In rear cases maybe we will help if it was not standard case.
    Rule Icon 6 6. All user data (its accuracy and maintenance) are the sole responsibility of the user. Take care of your data and keep your active e-mail account it is necessary to recover your password if you forget it. The administration is not responsible for data forgotten, lost, deleted or canceled for any reason.
    Rule Icon 7 7. It is forbidden to offend other players with profanity, derogatory and offensive names, pornographic offenses, racist and others in Global Chat and any other media provided by our team. In in-game chats use the command /block for not to read unwanted messages. Use the hero chat with wisdom because it involves reading the entire server. Also the use of any chat to incite or manipulate the players the server against the administration is prohibited.
    Rule Icon 8 8. Players who accuse without evidence the administration will be severely punished. The administration will not allow bad players tarnish the image of the server.
    Rule Icon 9 9. Any action in the game that the administration deems anti-gambling (actions considered inappropriate or bad character) will also result in penalties such as: losing on purpose in the Grand Olympiad to give points to another character; disrupt or attempt to deceive in any way automatic events or made by management: Try to fool other players offering false items.

    menu iconJoin the Action: Vote & Stream Lost Worldmenu icon

    Engage with our community by voting for us daily and streaming your epic adventures.

    menu iconVote & Streammenu icon

    Engage with our community by voting for us daily and streaming your epic adventures.

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